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Music Pi 是由幾位香港樂手於 2016 年組成的非牟利音樂團體,以大膽、創新的手法「以音樂說故事」,為觀眾帶來嶄新的觀賞體驗。


Music Pi 曾參與創作及演出的音樂會包括「紅鼻鹿烏豆」互動音樂劇場,以及於 2018 年為本地得獎作品「電車小叮在哪裏?」創作原創音樂,以全新的音樂讀書會形式兩度公演,並被邀於社區及學校演出,共演 20 場皆全部滿座,廣受大眾歡迎。




Founded in 2016, Music Pi is a non-profit organization based in Hong Kong. Our local musicians wish to tell different stories through their instruments by collaborating with different organizations or individuals. Innovative style of performance surely brings audiences a new taste of music.


“Pi” is taken from the diameter of circle. It means the endless of possibilities, also symbolizes Music Pi’s future musical development. In the near future, Music Pi will promote appealing music by using alternative style from traditional to perform, and collaborating with new rising local musicians.




尤氏隨後考取獎學金遠赴美國紐約大學完成碩士學位,主修敲擊樂演奏,並跟隨Jonathan Haas, Simon Boyar, Eriko Daimo學習,在美期間參與多個音樂會的公開演出。


除此之外,尤氏亦經常擔任不同樂團的敲擊樂手及定音鼓手。於2013年她被選中參與美國交響樂團及百德音樂學院的音樂計劃,同年亦被Collegium Musicum HK邀請參與美國卡耐基音樂廳的演出。2015年她亦比澳門樂團邀請位特約樂手,隨團到北京演出。

尤氏亦致力推廣敲擊樂室內樂,她是香港浸會大學敲擊樂團的其中一位始創人。2016年她與李珈維先生組成敲擊樂組合“Gemini Percussion",並於香港國際敲擊樂大賽公開組取得第三名。 同年,她亦與友人組成室內樂團”Music Pi”,以大膽新穎的手法推動演繹音樂故事。

尤氏現在為美國著名敲擊樂器品牌Grover Pro Percussion的藝術家。


Fascinated by the distinguished colors of the percussion instruments, Karina Mei Ying, Yau is dedicated to explore and bring out the dynamic of percussive sound. In 2015-16, Karina is being employed as an artistic internship by the Hong Kong New Music Ensemble, and she becomes the associate member of the group in September 2016.

Born and raised in Hong Kong, Karina completed her Master of Music in Percussion Performance at New York University , where she studied with Professor Jonathan Hass, Simon Boyar and Eriko Daimo. She also involved in lots of chamber music groups including Marimba ensemble, Percussion ensemble, African ensemble, Steel drum ensemble and Contemporary Music ensemble.

In 2012, Karina graduated from the Hong Kong Baptist University with a Bachelor of Arts (Music) degree in Percussion Performance and Pedagogy, under Dr. Lung Heung Wing and James Boznos. She is also the founder member of the HKBU percussion ensemble. She also holds the Licentiate Performance Diploma from the Trinity College of Music of London with distinction. 

Karina also appears as an orchestral percussionist. In 2014, Karina is invited by the Collegium Musicum Hong Kong and performed in the Carnegie Hall. In 2013, Karina was selected in the American Symphony Orchestra- Bard Conservatory of Music collaboration Project. She is also a freelance timpanist and percussionist in several orchestras in Asia including The Macau Orchestra.

As a well-rounded percussionist, Karina has particular interest in percussion chamber music and aim to pursue this as her goal. Her duo “Gemini Percussion” has just awarded the 3rd prize in International Hong Kong Percussion Convention.




張進自12歲開始學習單簧管。高中畢業後,他於香港浸會大學就讀音樂基礎課程,並取得ABRSM薩克斯八級和單簧管Dip-ABRSM。其後,他在法國巴黎CNR Cergy-Pontoise深造,以金獎獲得了單簧管高級演奏文憑及室內樂高級演奏文憑。


張氏對音樂充滿熱情,在中學時期已經常參與獨奏演出。自法國畢業後,與澳大利亞獨奏家Jason Xanthoudakis先生共同在喻龍生先生指揮下在濟州國際管樂節演出Krommer雙協奏曲丶與亞洲室樂團多次合作表演例如韋伯和莫扎特等多首協奏曲,也與香港節日管樂團合作演出西班牙Oscar Navarro先生的二號單簧管協奏曲。



John TASMAN started playing clarinet at aged 12. After finishing high school, he studied in the Music Foundation Course held by Hong Kong Baptist University and achieved his ABRSM Grade 8 Saxophone and Dip-ABRSM of Clarinet Performing.He then studied abroad at CNR Cergy-Pontoise, Paris, France and obtained his Diplôme d'Etudes Musicales Superieur with Gold Medal (Medaille d’Or) in Clarinet Performing and the Diplôme Fin d’Etudes (Mention tres bien a l’unanimite) in Chamber Music.

Enthusiastic in music, Tasman started his solo performances since secondary school, including with Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College and Hong Kong Young Musicians' Wind Orchestra. After graduating in France, Tasman performed Krommer 's Double Concerto with the Australian soloist Jason Xanthoudakis conducted by Mr Joseph Yu at Jeju International Wind Ensemble Festival; performing numerous concertos like Weber and Mozart with Asian Chamber Orchestra. And also Il Concerto by Spanish composer Oscar Navarro with Hong Kong Festival Wind Orchestra.

Tasman performs with various orchestras and chamber groups as a freelance musicians too. In 2015, He was announced to be an "Artist in Residence" of Hong Kong Festival Wind Orchestra. Instead of performing, Tasman teaches clarinet and saxophone sections in secondary and primary schools in Hong Kong.




李瑩賝畢業於加拿大卡加利大學,獲音樂系及教育系雙學士,主修長笛及音樂教育,並學習專業指揮,師承Dr. Mark Hopkins及Dr. Glen Price,創立Extravaganza Chamber Ensemble及參與多個樂團演出,並擔任卡加利大學管樂團團長。先後向大師Frank Battisti、Mark Scatterday、Craig Kirchhoff、Paula Holcomb等深造樂團指揮。

李氏曾在加拿大亞伯特省管樂團擔任副指揮,並致力發展音樂教育。二零零七年,在St. Elizabeth Seton School擔任音樂老師及管樂團指揮,多次帶領學校樂團參與音樂比賽和活動,二零零九年,該樂團更榮獲Alberta International Band Festival金獎。李氏又獲邀為Land’s End Chamber Ensemble及卡加利大學管樂團擔任客席指揮。二零一五年,李氏帶領香港小學樂團遠赴加拿大參與大西洋音樂節,勇奪中級組金獎。李氏現任通利香港新青年管樂團及多間學校樂團之指揮,及擔任長笛導師。


Rika Lee graduated with both Bachelor of Music and bachelor of Education, master of teaching program at the University of Calgary, where she majored in flute and music education. She studied conducting under the direction of Dr. Mark Hopkins and Dr. Glen Price. Over the course of her studies, she performed in various bands and ensembles, including the University of Calgary Symphonic Band, where she served as Concertmaster. Rika was also the founder and music director for the Extravaganza Chamber Ensemble.

After she graduated from the U of C, Rika worked in Calgary, Canada as the Assistant conductor for Alberta Winds and as a music educator. In 2007, Rika was the music teacher and band conductor at St. Elizabeth Seton School and led the school band to various competitions, festivals, and performances. Among her accomplishments with her students, her band achieved the Gold Award for most outstanding performance at the Alberta International Band Festival in 2009. She was invited as guest conductor for the Land’s End Chamber Ensemble and the U of C Symphonic Band. In 2015, Rika led one of her school bands from Hong Kong to Canada for the Atlantic Music Festival. Under her leadership, the band successfully achieved Gold. Over the years, Rika continued to expand her conducting knowledge and experience through conducting symposia, training under Frank Battisti, Mark Scatterday, Craig Kirchhoff and Paula Holcomb. Recently, Rika returned to Hong Kong and works at Tom Lee Hong Kong Youth NeoWinds Orchestra and various schools as conductor and flute instructor.





2007年,徐氏以優異成績考入法國巴黎國立音樂學院,並跟隨多名國際著名長號演奏家,包括法國著名長號演奏家Jacques MAUGER。於法國修讀期間,徐氏已開始在多個亞洲國家舉辦及出席長號大師班之活動。徐氏更曾獲多個不同類型樂團及團體邀請合作演出,當中包括法國Sorbonne大學管弦樂團、巴黎室樂團等。並在2008年獲法國巴黎市政府邀請出席法國巴黎音樂節之演出及應巴黎國立高等音樂學院邀請作考試錄音工作。於同年8月,徐氏更與Jacques MAUGER合作灌錄"Jacques and Friends"唱片,並大獲好評。

2010年,徐氏更獲得巴黎市政府頌發長號演奏金獎,並畢業於巴黎國立音樂學院。現時徐氏選用Antoine Courtois AC420 BR。同時亦是法國長號品牌'Antoine Courtois'之代言人及Bam Cases之顧問及音樂大使。


Tsui Siu Fai started to learn euphonium and trombone from Mr. Raymond Lee at fifteen-year-old. He then studied under Mr. W. F. Pak (the former principal trombonist of Hong Kong Sinfonietta) to learn the techniques of performing and teaching trombone. He also learnt conducting skills from Mr. Carl Choi (Hong Kong Festival Wind Orchestra music director).

In 2007, Tsui was admitted to the Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris with honors. He started following some master Trombonists to enhance his trombone skills, including the internationally renowned trombone player Jacques MAUGER. During his study in France, Tsui attended different trombone master classes organised in Asia some other countries. Tsui also received invitations from different groups and orchestras for performances, including the French Sorbonne University Orchestra, the Ensemble Orchestral de Paris and so on. 

In 2008, he was invited by the government of Paris to perform in France Music Festival in Paris. Meanwhile, he was invited by the Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris to record a piece which would be served as the sample of the school’s examination piece on trombone. In August of the same year, Tsui also cooperated with Jacques MAUGER to record the "Jacques and Friends" album, which was highly appreciated by the public. In 2010, Tsui was awarded the Gold Award of trombone solo and graduated from Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris.

The trombone that Tsui is playing now is made by Antoine Courtois AC420 BR. He is also the Performing artist of Antoine Courtois & the ambassador of Bam Cases.






獲取了音樂治療證書後,黃氏致力發掘新的聲音。其中一種源自瑞士的二十世紀新樂器 - Handpan是她現時研習中的樂器。




Passionate with music, Jennifer started her musical training on piano at the age of 6. She continues to learn trumpet, percussion & harp performance at different stages.


She has also obtained a certificate of music therapy. Recently, she received a new-century sound sculpture, invented from switzerland - Handpan and is now exploring with its sound & elements.


In 'Music Pi’, Jennifer mainly supports backstage & administration.

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